Household appliances: household appliances and small household appliances, small air conditioners, air conditioning equipment, electric fans, small heaters, heaters, water heaters, washing machines, cleaning equipment, humidifiers, air conditioners; cooking, baking and baking equipment, refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, kitchen appliances and their accessories including sinks; toilet equipment; home security systems; Home fitness and personal care equipment Consumer electronic products: Bluetooth products, speakers, headphones, audio, electronic gifts, e-books, imaging equipment products, MP3, games, storage series products, digital photo frames, mobile power, electronic entertainment products, etc TV & Home Theater: LCD, Satellite & Digital TV, DVD, Home Theater, Home Recorder, HiFi, Speaker, Hi-Fi Series, Audio and Video Products, Data Cable, etc Personal electronic products: personal health care and personal care products, beauty equipment and fitness products, entertainment and sports equipment, etc Computer and peripheral products: tablets, notebooks, desktops, keyboards, mice, portable hard disks, printers, scanners, etc Mobile Devices, Digital Technologies and Accessories: Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Laptops, Ultrabooks, Tablets, Home and Office Computers, Multimedia Center; e-book readers; protective film, shell, sleeve, bag, etc.; Personal audio and video players, mobile accessories and digital accessories, hard disks and network drives, USB sticks, game consoles, routers and hotspots, modems, switch boards, charging equipment, batteries and batteries, computer software, etc.; Acoustic systems and documentation stations, Apple devices and accessories, bags for MacBooks, cleaning materials for iPhones, iPads and MacBooks, protective films and other accessories, etc
欢迎您开启葡萄牙布拉加家电展会分窗,汇集2023年布拉加多场国际家电行业盛会,2023布拉加展览会,家电展会参展商来自世界多个国家和地区。 葡萄牙家电展会每年都会吸引家电业内知名的企业来展示新颖的产品以及设计,与客户以及同行交流。家电展会同时提供精彩的演讲,论坛,以及专业活动。参展是进入葡萄牙家电市场绿色通道,参加布拉加家电展会不仅能给企业带来海外市场的商机,还能给参展企业搭建一个技术交流的信息平台,更能发挥公司产品的核心竞争力。 2023葡萄牙展会信息还在持续更新中,请关注会展之窗了解更多境外展会信息。
家用电器: 家庭用具及小家电,小型空调、空调设备、电风扇、小型加热器、暖气、热水器、洗衣机、清洁设备、加湿器、空气调节器;烹调、焙制及烘烤设备、冰箱及冷冻设备,洗碗机、厨房设备电器及其配 件包括水槽;卫生间设备;家庭安全系统;家庭健身与个人护理设备消费类电子产品: 蓝牙产品、扬声器、耳机、音响、电子礼品、电子书、影像器材产品、MP3、游戏、存储系列产品、数码相框、移动电源、电子娱乐产品等
电视及家庭影院: 液晶、卫星及数码电视,DVD,家庭影院,家用刻录机,HiFi,音箱,高保真系列,音视频产品,数据线等
个人电子产品: 个人保健及个人护理产品,美容仪器及健身产品,娱乐体育设备等
电脑及周边产品: 平板电脑、笔记本、台式机、键盘、鼠标、移动硬盘、打印机、扫描仪等
移动设备、数字技术和配件展区: 手机、智能电话、笔记本电脑、超级本、平板电脑、家庭和办公电脑、多媒体中心;电子书阅读器;保护膜、壳、套、包等;个人影音播放器、移动配件和数码配件、硬盘和网络驱动器,USB记忆棒、游戏机、路由器和热点、调制解调器、交换机板、充电设备、电池和蓄电池、电脑软件等;声学系统和文档站、苹果设备和配件、适用于MacBook的包袋、iPhone,iPad和MacBook的清洁材料、保护膜和其他配件等
Household appliances: household appliances and small household appliances, small air conditioners, air conditioning equipment, electric fans, small heaters, heaters, water heaters, washing machines, cleaning equipment, humidifiers, air conditioners; cooking, baking and baking equipment, refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, kitchen appliances and their accessories including sinks; toilet equipment; home security systems; Home fitness and personal care equipment
Consumer electronic products: Bluetooth products, speakers, headphones, audio, electronic gifts, e-books, imaging equipment products, MP3, games, storage series products, digital photo frames, mobile power, electronic entertainment products, etc
TV & Home Theater: LCD, Satellite & Digital TV, DVD, Home Theater, Home Recorder, HiFi, Speaker, Hi-Fi Series, Audio and Video Products, Data Cable, etc
Personal electronic products: personal health care and personal care products, beauty equipment and fitness products, entertainment and sports equipment, etc
Computer and peripheral products: tablets, notebooks, desktops, keyboards, mice, portable hard disks, printers, scanners, etc
Mobile Devices, Digital Technologies and Accessories: Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Laptops, Ultrabooks, Tablets, Home and Office Computers, Multimedia Center; e-book readers; protective film, shell, sleeve, bag, etc.; Personal audio and video players, mobile accessories and digital accessories, hard disks and network drives, USB sticks, game consoles, routers and hotspots, modems, switch boards, charging equipment, batteries and batteries, computer software, etc.; Acoustic systems and documentation stations, Apple devices and accessories, bags for MacBooks, cleaning materials for iPhones, iPads and MacBooks, protective films and other accessories, etc
5、确定参展人员名单 安排签证、酒店、机票等事宜