Metal cutting, metal molding and other types of machine tools: ordinary lathes, CNC machine tools, tanners, drills, boring machines, milling machines, grinders, sawmills, plugs, planers, welding and gas cutting machine tools Tools: Measuring tools, molding tools, abrasives, molds and accessories, tooling tools, etc Machine accessories and components: hydraulic parts, air pressure parts, machine tool electrical and electronic equipment, control and drive systems, lubricants and coolants, waste disposal equipment, safety and environmental protection equipment, etc Detection and automation technology and equipment: measurement and inspection technology and equipment, image data processing technology, quality control technology and software, computer-aided design, automation equipment, industrial robots, etc Others: flexible processing, installation technology, operating technology, welding equipment, heat treatment equipment, precision instruments, laser and water jet cutting and processing equipment, etc
欢迎您开启英国哈罗盖特数控机床展分窗,汇集2022年哈罗盖特多场国际机床行业盛会,2022哈罗盖特展览会,数控机床展参展商来自世界多个国家和地区。 英国数控机床展每年都会吸引机床业内知名的企业来展示新颖的产品以及设计,与客户以及同行交流。数控机床展同时提供精彩的演讲,论坛,以及专业活动。参展是进入英国机床市场绿色通道,参加哈罗盖特数控机床展不仅能给企业带来海外市场的商机,还能给参展企业搭建一个技术交流的信息平台,更能发挥公司产品的核心竞争力。 2022英国展会信息还在持续更新中,请关注会展之窗了解更多境外展会信息。
金属切削、金属成型及其他各类机床: 普通车床、数控机床、镟床、钻床、镗床、铣床、磨床、锯床、插床、刨床、焊接及气体切割机床等工具: 量具刃具、成型工具、磨具、模具及配件、工装卡具等
机床附件及零部件: 液压件、气压件、机床电器及电子设备、控制及驱动系统、润滑剂及冷却剂、废物处理设备、安全及环保设备等
检测和自动化技术及设备: 测量和检测技术及设备、图象数据处理技术、质量控制技术及软件、计算机辅助设计、自动化设备、工业机器人等
其他: 柔性加工、安装技术、操作技术、焊接设备、热处理设备、精密仪器、激光和水射流切割加工设备等
Metal cutting, metal molding and other types of machine tools: ordinary lathes, CNC machine tools, tanners, drills, boring machines, milling machines, grinders, sawmills, plugs, planers, welding and gas cutting machine tools
Tools: Measuring tools, molding tools, abrasives, molds and accessories, tooling tools, etc
Machine accessories and components: hydraulic parts, air pressure parts, machine tool electrical and electronic equipment, control and drive systems, lubricants and coolants, waste disposal equipment, safety and environmental protection equipment, etc
Detection and automation technology and equipment: measurement and inspection technology and equipment, image data processing technology, quality control technology and software, computer-aided design, automation equipment, industrial robots, etc
Others: flexible processing, installation technology, operating technology, welding equipment, heat treatment equipment, precision instruments, laser and water jet cutting and processing equipment, etc
5、确定参展人员名单 安排签证、酒店、机票等事宜