欢迎业界同仁踊跃报名参展,现正接受申请,请速与组委会联系,索取参展申请表及展位平面图!充分利用NEA CHINA 2020,巩固您的市场地位!
2020年新能源汽车展NEA CHINA 2020定于2020年10月13-15日在广州琶洲国际采购中心举办 我们将深化活动内涵,秉乘推动行业发展,以“突出品牌、开拓创新、注重实效、强化服务”的办展宗旨,凭借独特的创意,科学的组织管理和卓越的服务,以全新的理念为广大中外参展商提供一个“高水准、高品味、高质量”的拓展业务、技术交流、展示实力、获取资讯、结交客户、推广新产品、寻找合作伙伴的国际商贸平台。为全球新能源汽车行业提供更多的合作机会,有力推动中国新能源汽车相关产品全面进入全球采购体系,与世界各国新能源汽车产业协调合作、互利共赢、共同发展进步。
2020 the 11 Guangzhou International New Energy Automobile Industry Exhibition (NEA China 2020) is scheduled to be held in Guangzhou Pazhou International Sourcing Center April 2020 from 13 to 15th. We will deepen the connotation of the activities, in order to promote the development of the industry, to "highlight the brand, pioneering and innovative, pragmatic, strengthen the service" of the purpose of the exhibition , With unique creativity, scientific organization management and excellent service, with a new concept for the vast number of Chinese and foreign exhibitors to provide a "high standard, high taste, high quality" to expand business, technical exchanges, display strength, access to information, make customers, promote new products, find partners in the International business platform. For the Global New energy vehicle industry to provide more opportunities for cooperation, vigorously promote China's new energy vehicle related products to fully enter the global procurement system, with the world's new energy vehicle industry coordination and cooperation, mutual benefit and common development and progress.
The 11th Guangzhou International New Energy Automobiles Industry Expo 2020
※ 展会优势
500+ 参会嘉宾,汇集众多整车制造商、电网电力公司、汽车运营与租赁公司、电池厂商、电机电控厂家、
10+ 重量级演讲嘉宾,为您阐述新能源汽车行业政策、核心技术进展、汽车安全等相关标准与剖析等
20+ 展商及赞助商,众多来自国外及本土的公司来展示公司战略、**新技术及产品、解决方案
30+ 权威支持机构
50+ 行业媒体为您多管齐下持续宣传,强势引爆行业关注
2020 the 11 Guangzhou International New Energy Automobile Industry Exhibition (NEA China 2020) is scheduled to be held in Guangzhou Pazhou International Sourcing Center April 2020 from 13 to 15th. We will deepen the connotation of the activities, in order to promote the development of the industry, to "highlight the brand, pioneering and innovative, pragmatic, strengthen the service" of the purpose of the exhibition , With unique creativity, scientific organization management and excellent service, with a new concept for the vast number of Chinese and foreign exhibitors to provide a "high standard, high taste, high quality" to expand business, technical exchanges, display strength, access to information, make customers, promote new products, find partners in the International business platform. For the Global New energy vehicle industry to provide more opportunities for cooperation, vigorously promote China's new energy vehicle related products to fully enter the global procurement system, with the world's new energy vehicle industry coordination and cooperation, mutual benefit and common development and progress.