2022 China (Shanghai) stationery and office supplies exhibition investment in progress, exhibitors visit the online registration, view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. 2022 Stationery Exhibition - China (Shanghai) Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition will be held in 2022/5/12 at the National Convention and Exhibition Center, look forward to your visit!
The China International Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition (China Stationery Exhibition) is jointly organized by the China Cultural, Educational and Sporting Goods Association and Frankfurt Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and is the only stationery industry exhibition supported by the Association in China.
The core concept of China Stationery Exhibition has always been to serve the stationery industry, is committed to building a brand promotion, business cooperation, industry information, technological innovation, new product launch, the whole industry chain interaction as one of the integrated industry service platform.
China Stationery Exhibition, a gathering place for Chinese stationery brands!
Industry benchmark
1, industry awards, ingenuity, so that products for the enterprise endorsement
The award ceremony and award-winning product display of the highest prize of the Chinese stationery industry, which has been held for four years, will continue to be held at the same time as the China International Stationery Exhibition. Many original stationery through the "thinking of the line of Chinese stationery" by the public awareness, and even become a bombshell.
Look at China's good stationery of the year, come to China stationery exhibition!
2, industry summits, leaders gathered to seek common industry development
The annual summit of the China Association of Cultural, Educational and Sporting Goods, the paper book, art paintings and other professional committee summits were held at the same time. Industry leaders gather to interpret national policies, exchange industry information, and seek common industry development. At the same time, there are industry standards release, technology exchange, scientific and technological innovation, new product release, award recognition and a series of industry activities.
With the global stationery big man point jiangshan, come to China stationery exhibition!
3, wisdom cloud exhibition, Ali technology, expand the market unlimited business opportunities
China Stationery Exhibition and Ali technical team, for the stationery industry, tailor-made for exhibitors
Create a "Smart Cloud Show" platform. With Ali's powerful technology and massive amount of data, it penetrates the data fog and reaches accurate buyers. Chinese stationery exhibitors can use the cloud exhibition platform free of charge.
Hen Ali technology, see global buyers, come to China stationery exhibition!
中国国际文具及办公用品展览会(Paperworld China)将于2023 年 11 月 17 至 19 日于上海世博展览馆隆重举行。
(参展联系:欧小姐 173 1630 5521 Q Q:137 299 159)
为贴合大众对潮流文化及个性产品的殷切需求,主办方计划于同期同地举办潮流文化生活展,打造以“文化交流·体验生活·兴趣爱好”为核心,将“学**、办公与生活”融为一体,通过不同场景化的潮流用品来满足不同年龄段、不同身份和不同需求的消费群体。两个展会资源互通,各尽其长,形成1+1大于2的协同效应,为Paperworld China增添一番全新景象。
Paperworld China创意 · 融合
Paperworld China文化交流|Exchange
**致 · 专业
兴 趣 爱 好|Interest
体验 · 互动
抖音、小红书、微博、B站、豆瓣、知乎、头条等各大互联网平台 天猫、京东、拼多多、快团团等各大电商平台 国潮文具类KOL、KOC、UP主、博主 线下新兴国货潮品、潮玩门店、集合店 各地文旅集团、博物馆、艺术中心 国潮定制需求的买家(影视、文化机构)等 国潮上下游产业服务商(设计、方案、资本等) 媒体及公关公司主题社群及个人爱好者
OEM、制造商、批发商、经销商、分销商、进出口贸易商、代理商、零售商 学校及教育培训机构 政府及企业集团采购 **市卖场及便利店、百货业 复合式文具店、书店
已经举办了四年的中国文具行业*高奖 “思诞行·中国文具大赏”颁奖典礼及获奖产品展示将继续在中国国际文具展同期举办。众多原创文具通过“思诞行·中国文具大赏”被大众认识,甚至成为爆款。
包装纸品: 纸制包装、包装盒、纸袋等
学校用品: 书写工具与绘图器材、练**簿、便条本、书包、文书夹等
办公用品: 办公设备、简报用品、邮寄/粘贴/印戳设备、书写/绘图工具、综合产品等
电脑/印表机: 印表机、印表机零元件、碳粉匣/色带、电脑配件、影印机、卷标等
问候卡/图画历: 卡片、授权/设计师产品、艺术/卡通/相片等图画历等
办公用纸张: 印表机/影印机用纸、信纸/信封、投影片、便条纸/留言纸/账册等
家用纸品: 餐巾纸、装饰用透明纸张等
2022 China (Shanghai) stationery and office supplies exhibition investment in progress, exhibitors visit the online registration, view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details. 2022 Stationery Exhibition - China (Shanghai) Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition will be held in 2022/5/12 at the National Convention and Exhibition Center, look forward to your visit!
The China International Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition (China Stationery Exhibition) is jointly organized by the China Cultural, Educational and Sporting Goods Association and Frankfurt Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and is the only stationery industry exhibition supported by the Association in China.
The core concept of China Stationery Exhibition has always been to serve the stationery industry, is committed to building a brand promotion, business cooperation, industry information, technological innovation, new product launch, the whole industry chain interaction as one of the integrated industry service platform.
China Stationery Exhibition, a gathering place for Chinese stationery brands!
Industry benchmark
1, industry awards, ingenuity, so that products for the enterprise endorsement
The award ceremony and award-winning product display of the highest prize of the Chinese stationery industry, which has been held for four years, will continue to be held at the same time as the China International Stationery Exhibition. Many original stationery through the "thinking of the line of Chinese stationery" by the public awareness, and even become a bombshell.
Look at China's good stationery of the year, come to China stationery exhibition!
2, industry summits, leaders gathered to seek common industry development
The annual summit of the China Association of Cultural, Educational and Sporting Goods, the paper book, art paintings and other professional committee summits were held at the same time. Industry leaders gather to interpret national policies, exchange industry information, and seek common industry development. At the same time, there are industry standards release, technology exchange, scientific and technological innovation, new product release, award recognition and a series of industry activities.
With the global stationery big man point jiangshan, come to China stationery exhibition!
3, wisdom cloud exhibition, Ali technology, expand the market unlimited business opportunities
China Stationery Exhibition and Ali technical team, for the stationery industry, tailor-made for exhibitors
Create a "Smart Cloud Show" platform. With Ali's powerful technology and massive amount of data, it penetrates the data fog and reaches accurate buyers. Chinese stationery exhibitors can use the cloud exhibition platform free of charge.
Hen Ali technology, see global buyers, come to China stationery exhibition!